I always had a bad dream. That a gigantic tsunami-like wave
splashing and wipe off the whole city, the volcano bursted out the lava,
thousands of asteroids hitting on the earth surface, aggressively destroyed the eco-friendly landscape where i
live at. Sounds like a typical disaster u can see when watching movie 2012, but
im not making story up. It happens in my dream, like seriously. Believe me! i
swear! Cross heart! Someone please trust
me T__T
im telling the truth, damn it! |
The end of the world. That’s the best prediction i can think of. Maybe i am capable of seeing things coming, like a psychic. yeahh right. I dont even believe in Nostradamus ‘the prophecies’, or the Mayan tribe predictions. Or worse not even have faith for some ridiculuos shaman who occasionally charged great cash but mysteriously, never become rich. Totally weird. but i do believe the version of the judgement day, as stated in the Al-Quran ;)
this is exactly what im saying :D |
Back to the title, the nightmare. People use to say when u’re too afraid of something it’ll come to ur dream. Similarly, if you think about something too much, especially right before u got asleep, it’ll accompany you, slumbered the night away. Unfortunately, this is never the situation, like who will ever paranoid themselves up about doomsday, unless they are the movie producer or sell books regarding the end of the day ;p
burppp. ok this is beyond my imagination ;p |
Thought of the judgement day already scared me. It had happened at least twice, as i recall. The first time was when i watched movie 2012, it’s like a wake up call for me, that the earth is no longer a safe place to live at (as if there are other places i can move to ;p). It was ok after a week or two, i’ve convinced myself up that everything is gonna be fine. Or i really hope so.
all the nightmare, thanks to u~ |
The next incident occured when i was riding back to KL at the PLUS highway when suddenly the cloud turns dark and rising up instantaneously. It was 11am but my surroundings was so dark, as if i travel at dusk. It occurred so fast and freaking scary with the lightning and bolts strikes alternately . i can tell a storm is coming. I was the only road user at the moment that triggers the thought of facing the doomsday alone lol and then it rains heavily. Lucky me, im still alive. Thank god.
Just for the info, when u’re on bike, rain could be ur worst enemy. I’ve been forced to take five inferior the flyover while cursing at the other vehicles that passes by, and hoping the rain stop. It was a different situation in James Morrison ‘please dont stop the rain’ but unluckily the bikers are normally a bunch of boring old men grrr this can also be considered a nightmare ;p
i hate u rain~ |
i hate u more lol |
Enough with doomsday. now proceed to the other dream.
The ability to control my own dream is something i desire.
it is undoubtedly do-able, as evidenced by some research i’ve read
somewhere during preclinical years lol
however, most of the dream is terrifying enough that i couldnt control it. which
turns outà
zombies racing/bet with each other to kill me, barbarian try to cut my head off using chain saw, prisoners shoot my body using shotgun/machine gun or even my biological brother had punched me several
times. It’s my dream and im the loser? Damn
freeze, or i'll shoot u, Mohd Faizul. grrr |
Ever heard of wet dream? ;p Warning: the next paragraph may contain inappropiate
sexual material, those readers 12 and below please skip it ;)
A wet dream. This is the best part of the dream. It’s like
making love with whoever u can imagine of, whatever position u comfort at,
wherever places u dream in, without using protection 0_o plus it’s not considered a sin at all ;p I bet
every guys out there have at least experienced it once in ur life time. If u
haven’t, then i advice u to go jump out of the 10 storey building or go to the nearest zoo, find and
feed the hungry tigers raw meat with ur bare hand. Yeahh u totally deserve it
go dream, or die fast~ |
Dream inside of a dream. it’s the ultimate level a dreamer
can be. Have u guys watch movie Inception starred by Leonardo Da Vinci? initially
some of u will nodded yes, then u will doubt, hesitate, not sure, confused,
that’s it, i cant think of any other
words lol some of u will think i was referring to the wrong individual, yes you
are correct, but not like im giving u prizes or speech of appreciation. I
admire the people who just ignoring the name, whether they know the actor or
not. Or even the movie. well the point
is, the entire paragraph has no point ;D
coz i never had this dream, and dont really care if i had it ;p if u interested u can listen to a song by Damasutra ;p
umpama mimpi dalam mimpi~ |
After each of horrible nightmare, i quickly type and googled
it out to find the meaning. Well there are variety of opinions, according to
different interpretors. It is
interesting to know that our dream might relate to our real life, majority of
it but im having second thought that it may tell u the future , like u gonna
get into trouble, or u will get great news.really? I dont buy it huhu how about u?